
pansinusitis - surgery

An untreated sinusitis can lead to serious complications. When antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and punctures are ineffective, surgery is the only way to get rid of infection.
Paninusitis is triggered when are produced inflammation of the sinuses, as a consequence of infecting mucosal lining it. These cavities are designed to warm, moisten and filter the air we breathe through the nose. The patient has a stuffy nose, congested (breathing is difficult) and yellow-green leaks.
He perceives exaggerated the bad smells, has spontaneous pain during periods of acute pansinusitis and feels intranasal pressure (for maxillary sinusitis), fronto-orbital pain, in the area above the eyes, feeling of pressure on the eyeballs (when sinusitis is frontal) deep headache behind the eyes, radiating to the forehead, topping, in the neck and behind the ears (in the case of sphenoid sinusitis), deep and dull headache,  in the form of persistent neuralgias in the nose area and eye orbits (ethmoidal sinusitis). Some patients accuse and dizziness, cough, red eyes and mitigation of olfactory and gustatory senses. Untreated, us life-threatening if not treated properly, sinusitis may be complicated by an infection of the skull bones (osteomyelitis) or eye problems. Also, the infection can reach the brain, causing meningitis or brain abscess. Mucosal inflammation is treated with antibiotics. At the first visit to the ENT specialist, to patient is performed a sinus radiography to see in what stage is infection. If on the radiograph is found only mucosal inflammation without pus are recommended antibiotics, anti-inflammatory for inflamed mucosa of the sinuses and nasal decongestant.
It is very important that antibiotic should only be prescribed by a specialist ENT, because only it may indicate the type of effective treatment for microbe involved in infection. Flora pathogen that infects the sinus is already known and is not required an antibiogram.

Maxillary sinusitis is the most common forms and are the results of a tooth infection. Through the punctures, pus is cleaned. If sinus radiographs reveal the presence of pus in the maxillary and frontal sinuses are necessary punctures for these eliminating. Affected cavity was washed with physiological saline to drain the pus. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it should not be painful, but it certainly is uncomfortable.
In most cases, a puncture is not sufficient to remove the pus. If after ten such procedures does not coming clean saline or the unpleasant smell persists, the only and ultimate solution is the surgery. Surgical treatment of sinusitis is to remove the lining of the sinuses.
It can be done either endoscopically or by classical surgery. Endoscopic surgery is possible only in cases where sinusitis is not very advanced. The Classic has the disadvantage, if is frontal sinusitis, it leaves the scar in the eyebrow area . Sphenoid sinusitis, ethmoidal and maxillary is operated through the oral cavity. Hospitalization is required. Surgery of sinusitis is always performed with general anesthesia and hospitalization last on average seven days.  Unfortunately, the patient may present repeated episodes of recurrence of sinus suffering, in which case a reassessment is necessary and even a new surgery. Pain may persist for up to a year after surgery and is increases to the weather changes. In the case of dental maxillary sinusitis, the first step of treatment should be eradication of the dental outbreak. Depending on the severity of the infection, or it may mean treating tooth infection or its removal by a dentist.


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