
12 methods to prevent sinusitis

Symptoms of sinusitis are:
- Symptoms of colds do not respond to treatment;
- Fever ranging between 38-39 degrees Celsius;
- Headache;
- Tiredness and slimming;
- Toothache;
- Headache localized primarily in the frontal area becomes very sensitive even to a simple touch;
- A chronic cough, especially during night;
- Nasal congestion;
- nasal discharge;
- Bad breath;
- Swelling of the eyelids.
- Sensitive eyes to light;

Methods to prevent sinusitis: 
Treat allergies and colds - nasal inflammation caused by allergies or colds various, predisposing patients to have a strong reaction to all irritants agents.
Attention to the humidity in the house! - Your sinuses drain better when the air is moist. Do not hesitate to use the air conditioner to adjust the temperature in the house.
Uses filters - electrostatic filters sparing allergens agents from the air.
Avoid pollution - exposure in polluted environments can irritate the nasal cavities and aggravates sinusitis.
Quit smoking - Smoking is one of the most common causes for irritation of the sinuses, preventing proper operation of the mucous drainage and causing the appearance of nasal congestion.
Eliminate alcohol consumption - Even occasional use of alcohol cause swelling in the sinus membrane, exposing them to irritations and infections. Of all alcoholic drinks it seems that beer affects the worst sinuses.
Drink a lot of water - water influences the degree of humidity of the body and help prevent nasal congestion.
Avoid swimming - water in pools and swimming pool is often treated with a large amount of chlorine, a substance that irritates the sinuses, especially if you're a person prone to allergies.
Watch the daily hygiene - bacterial and viral infections are the most common cause of sinusitis production. Make sure you wash your hands frequently with water and soap.
Reduces consumption of dairy products - An excessive consumption of milk cause mucosal thickening and narrowing of the nasal passages, enhancing the occurrence of headaches.
Do not forget the hot showers! - to do as often as possible many a hot shower and inhale the vapors. Doing so you will moisten the neck, allowing the nasal cavity to have adequate drainage.
Beware of extreme temperatures - very low or very high temperatures as well as sudden temperature changes cause severe headache and of teeth.
Eat healthy - try to eat as many fruits and vegetables, avoid very cold drinks, remove from your food program , drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cola, green tea), when you drink your tea try to sweeten it with honey and not forget the lemon slices.


Plants that relieves pain of sinusitis

If the drugs come with a prospectus which lists the adverse effects and secondary, nature comes with plants that in the form of teas and infusion helps the body to recover. High consumption of fluids maintain mucus diluted, thus avoiding mucosal swelling. And what fluids are better, than teas conceived from natural plant extracts?
Of these teas can we remind: chamomile tea, rosemary tea, yarrow tea, pansy tea, elderberry tea .
They have been shown to be effective in the treatment of bronchitis, cold, cough, and respiratory disorders. Elderflower has properties laxative, helps to remove water from tissues and is used as a natural medicine in treating obesity.
In treating sinusitis, are especially effective and inhalations with essential oils. They are recommended for respiratory diseases such as colds, flu, cough, bronchitis or sinusitis. The inhalations have a nasal decongestant effect and bronchial.


5 Medicinal teas that treats sinusitis

Chamomile tea shows the anti-inflammatory , antifungal, calming and healing properties.
To treat sinusitis is recommended to make inhalations of chamomile tea. You need a wide mouth container with where you put 2 liters of hot water.
Add 10 envelopes of chamomile tea or a handful of dried herb. Place your container with a towel over your head so you get a tent,  that the vapors of chamomile tea do not disperse throughout the room, but to them you inhale.
Take a 15-minute inhalations every night for a month.
Inhalations with shock tea
This tea stimulates circulation, increases nasal mucosal immunity and reduces inflammation.
To 2 liters of hot water pour 5 teabags shock or two tablespoons of dried herb.
Inhalations are 15 minutes every night for a month.
Inhalations with Rosemary tea
Rosemary tea in external use shows the strong anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties. Penetrates deeply into the skin and mucous membranes, increase local immunity, soothes and reduces pain.
For inhalations use two tablespoons of dried herb or 5 teabags in 2 liters of hot water.
Inhalations are made daily for a month, 15 minutes each day.
Inhalations with yarrow tea for sinusitis
Yarrow tea in external use shows the healing and regenerative properties.
It is indicated of dried sinusitis, in daily inhalations of 15 minutes for one month.
For inhalations use 2 tablespoons of dried herb to 2 liters.
Tea from the flowers and leaves of pansy
This tea is used external use for all inflammatory and infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.
In sinusitis acts through decreasing of local edema, reduce inflammation and boost immunity to the sinus mucosa.
It is recommended for inhalations, using 2 tablespoons of dried herb to 2 liters of water. Shall be made, as above, inhatalii 15 minutes daily for one month.
Inhalations are always in the evening, in order not get out in the cold air or dust, sinus mucosa is sensitized. These inhalations are made immediately before bedtime.


pansinusitis - surgery

An untreated sinusitis can lead to serious complications. When antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and punctures are ineffective, surgery is the only way to get rid of infection.
Paninusitis is triggered when are produced inflammation of the sinuses, as a consequence of infecting mucosal lining it. These cavities are designed to warm, moisten and filter the air we breathe through the nose. The patient has a stuffy nose, congested (breathing is difficult) and yellow-green leaks.
He perceives exaggerated the bad smells, has spontaneous pain during periods of acute pansinusitis and feels intranasal pressure (for maxillary sinusitis), fronto-orbital pain, in the area above the eyes, feeling of pressure on the eyeballs (when sinusitis is frontal) deep headache behind the eyes, radiating to the forehead, topping, in the neck and behind the ears (in the case of sphenoid sinusitis), deep and dull headache,  in the form of persistent neuralgias in the nose area and eye orbits (ethmoidal sinusitis). Some patients accuse and dizziness, cough, red eyes and mitigation of olfactory and gustatory senses. Untreated, us life-threatening if not treated properly, sinusitis may be complicated by an infection of the skull bones (osteomyelitis) or eye problems. Also, the infection can reach the brain, causing meningitis or brain abscess. Mucosal inflammation is treated with antibiotics. At the first visit to the ENT specialist, to patient is performed a sinus radiography to see in what stage is infection. If on the radiograph is found only mucosal inflammation without pus are recommended antibiotics, anti-inflammatory for inflamed mucosa of the sinuses and nasal decongestant.
It is very important that antibiotic should only be prescribed by a specialist ENT, because only it may indicate the type of effective treatment for microbe involved in infection. Flora pathogen that infects the sinus is already known and is not required an antibiogram.

Maxillary sinusitis is the most common forms and are the results of a tooth infection. Through the punctures, pus is cleaned. If sinus radiographs reveal the presence of pus in the maxillary and frontal sinuses are necessary punctures for these eliminating. Affected cavity was washed with physiological saline to drain the pus. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it should not be painful, but it certainly is uncomfortable.
In most cases, a puncture is not sufficient to remove the pus. If after ten such procedures does not coming clean saline or the unpleasant smell persists, the only and ultimate solution is the surgery. Surgical treatment of sinusitis is to remove the lining of the sinuses.
It can be done either endoscopically or by classical surgery. Endoscopic surgery is possible only in cases where sinusitis is not very advanced. The Classic has the disadvantage, if is frontal sinusitis, it leaves the scar in the eyebrow area . Sphenoid sinusitis, ethmoidal and maxillary is operated through the oral cavity. Hospitalization is required. Surgery of sinusitis is always performed with general anesthesia and hospitalization last on average seven days.  Unfortunately, the patient may present repeated episodes of recurrence of sinus suffering, in which case a reassessment is necessary and even a new surgery. Pain may persist for up to a year after surgery and is increases to the weather changes. In the case of dental maxillary sinusitis, the first step of treatment should be eradication of the dental outbreak. Depending on the severity of the infection, or it may mean treating tooth infection or its removal by a dentist.


Sinusitis - complications

Why is dangerous and that serious complications can have
Sinusitis can often be a sinus infection that requires a minimal treatment, but when ignore the warning signs, you may find that suffers from dangerous complications.
Find out which are the most common serious complications of sinusitis.In the acute form, sinusitis powerful slows breathing, dangerous thing when you have and other respiratory problems, usually at asthma.
Without proper treatment, sinusitis can become chronic, at which the risks of complications rise even more.

The risks associated of untreated sinusitis
Sinusitis occurs in most cases after a cold. Other risk factors include bacterial infections, fungal or allergies. If the disease has not disappeared after three months or if regularly returns , the diagnosis is chronic sinusitis, and the risk of complications is higher.
The infection which debuted in sinus can quickly spread to the skull, but also in all body in the absence of correctly treatment.

The meningitis and other cerebral infections
One of the most serious complications of sinusitis may be meningitis. The risk of extension of infection to the brain, either by bone or by blood is higher in frontal sinusitis. If not detected in time, the infection in the brain can cause brain damage and even death.

Infection of the eye orbit and vision problems
Orbital eye infections that can derives from sinusitis are particularly serious. In some cases, the optic nerve can be affected, it causes a decrease in quality of vision, temporary or permanent or even the blindness. May be affected and muscles that control the movements of the eyeball and of eyelid affected eye.

Osteomyelitis, infection of cranial bone
When sinusitis gets worse and you do not get required treatment, the infection can spread even to the bones of the skull. Osteomyelitis usually occurs in the bones of the forehead, and the symptoms associated are more powerful migraines, high fever and a palpable inflammation of bones.

Blood clots or aneurysms
Occurrence of blood clots in the skull caused by sinusitis, is another serious risk, but this situation is rather rare. Blood clots can cause aneurysms in the brain or a stroke that can put your life in danger.

Nasal polyps
Sinusitis occurs more often in people who already suffer from nasal polyps, but these may occur as a complication of the disease, which makes it harder breathing. In some severe cases, obstruction in the airways to polyps can even lead to loss of smell, and the risk of permanent loss of this feel grows for those who suffer from chronic sinusitis.

The correct treatment for sinusitis
The easiest form of sinusitis requires a simple treatment, but your doctor may recommend treatment with antibiotics to eliminate more rapid the bacterial infection which can spread.
Treatment with antibiotics is important to the first appearance of symptoms, to prevent the onset of chronic sinusitis, the disease whose complications are more dangerous than in the acute form.


bacterial sinusitis

The sinus inflammation is very common during upper respiratory infections - up to 90% - showing radiological signs, but only 0, 5-2% are complicated by bacterial infection. Acute bacterial sinusitis is defined as a sinus inflammation of the bacterial nature.
The bacterial sinusitis is bacterial superinfection consequence that follows after a viral nasopharyngitis trivial of upper respiratory tract, that affects in most cases, as previously mentioned, and sinus mucosa.
Aggression bacterial of at the level sinusal epithelium determine disappearance of ciliary movements, which, in normal, continuously evacuates mucus with bacteria present at this level. This situation favors the adherence and multiplication of bacteria at the level of epithelium, causing inflammation with edema of the lining and the obstruction of sinus drainage. The bacterium proliferates further and appear acute purulent sinusitis.
Besides upper tract viral infections, bacterial sinusitis can appear as a result of infection of dental origin and may be favored by other factors:
• sinus tumors
• foreign bodies
• malformations
• septal deviations
Antibiotic treatment for bacterial sinusitis lasts 10 days and is usually empirically.
It is administered mainly:
• For localized maxillary sinusitis - amoxicillin - clavulanic acid, second generation cephalosporins (cefuroxime), third-generation cephalosporins (ceftriaxone), telithromycin
• for frontal sinusitis, ethmoid, sphenoid may be administered the above antibiotics or quinolone active on the pneumococcus, such as the levofloxacin, moxifloxacin
For sphenoidal sinusitis, which has severe evolution, is indicated association of injectable antibiotic with antistaphylococcal activity. In the absence of amelioration with antibiotic treatment is indicated surgical intervention for evacuation of pus.
In general, bacterial sinusitis evolves favorably under treatment with symptom control in 2-3 days.
Other means of treatment:
• steroidal anti-inflammatory
•-steroidal anti-inflammatory especially indicated in obstructive sinusitis (prednisone, prednisolone) in the short cure of a few days
• Pain Relievers
• sinus drainage by puncture - in case failed antibiotic treatment, with the persistence of radiological signs


allergic sinusitis

Low temperatures and shorter days signaled installation of seasons when affections related respiratory tract become prevalent. Like spring, autumn give birth or worsens respiratory allergies, or allergic rhinitis, which, though are milder and can be different from allergies in the spring and is manifested by:
- Sneezing;
- Headaches;
- Runny nose;
- Nasal congestion;
- Itchy eyes and watery them.
Untreated properly, the above symptoms may be associated with signs what can suggest and occurrence of sinusitis.
You must be careful not to confuse manifestations of respiratory allergy type with of the flu. One can talk about allergy if:
- Symptoms persist for more than a week, which is the usual duration of a cold.
- Symptoms are more severe in a certain place or season, and less severe in others.
- Runny nose and mucous secretions are clear and abundant.
- Gradual onset of symptoms, including attacks of sneezing, itchy eyes, nasal or "palate".
- Fever, muscle aches and malaise are usually present.
It can be a cold if:
- Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, malaise and sore throat.
- Symptoms remitted after 7-10 days.
- Runny nose and mucus secretions become more consistent and is get a yellowish color.