

It is a fairly common disease, sinus disease, i.e., when all paranasal sinuses are inflamed simultaneously. There are two forms of the disease: a chronic catarrhal Pansinusitis chronic polypoid Pansinusitis.
Both significantly different histological features both structural and immunological fine. Of paramount importance is the recognition that it is in both forms of chronic primary disease.
There are four types of sinuses: sinus frontal, maxillary sinus, sphenoid sinus ethemoid and sinuses. We studied the role sinus actually for us, and it was concluded that they help us have a better voice resonance, also have a protective role of the skull to temperature changes. Cavity, paranasal sinuses Anzali is protected with a membrane that does not allow the various microbes. This membrane produces mucus and is called mucus antibacterial protective role of the nasal cavity against all impurities that are inhaled. These impurities if not stopped can cause irritation or allergies to various nasal cavity.
Causes pansinusitis disease is actually a sinus infection. This infection can be of two types, bacterial or fungal infection also. They can cause allergies or irritation of parasinusitis inhaled.
The symptoms are that we may have nasal sinuses produce excessive mucus, nasal obstruction night, abnormal amounts of secretion in the nose, dry mouth, nasal irritation with sneezing in the morning and impairment of the immune system in the upper respiratory tract, with consequence of frequent acute illness, or so-called nasal blockage, namely we stuffy nose. Pain in the teeth, gums or sinus cavity. Increases, causing sometimes is affected, difficult breathing, sore throat accompanied with cough. Does your doctor if you suspect pansinusitis find that you will need to send to get your sinus CT scan to see if indeed you are dealing with this disease, it can also make the mucus analysis in order to extract detect microorganisms underlying sinus infection, this is very important because depending on the result consists beginning of the new treatment. In some cases your doctor may recommend performing blood tests, allergy tests, or different dental or olfactory tests. These symptoms can take up to 2 or 3 months.
Treatment of this disease usually consists in most cases oral antibiotics, but can be other ways of treating the disease according to disease severity and is up to the doctor. It also can administer corticosteroids. After a few days his drugs take effect and begin to feel better but it's extremely important that the treatment prescribed to be taken all the way to avoid recurrence of the disease which could aggravate the situation. In particularly serious cases may be sinus surgery to remove polyps or pus built up, as it surely will be breathing easier and better oxygenation of the brain.
Parasinusitis (chronic sinusitis) is more common than previously thought. Significance is the key factor in the successful treatment of many other chronic diseases. Particularly important is the treatment of chronic inflammation of the sinuses, the terms of complications, very dangerous, usually endangers the functioning of the brain and skull found in all organs.